It’s not easy filling the shoes of a father: Meet Nelson.

Here at His House Children’s Home, we recognize and celebrate the vital role that a foster dad can play in the life of a child. As we look forward to Father’s Day, we would like to share with you some thoughts on fatherhood from the perspective of one of His House’s own foster dads, Nelson Caban.

“This will be the second year I will be able to celebrate Father’s Day as a foster dad. Never having kids of my own, for me, the day has always been about my own dad.

I remember receiving Father’s Day wishes last year, and thinking to myself that I really didn’t deserve them because the children weren’t mine. But we have had 9 kids come through our door, 5 of them were with us for only 1 or 2 weeks. One set of siblings was with us for almost 7 months, and our current siblings have been in our home for almost 5 months.

During these past two years, I’ve learned that being a father is more than just being a caretaker. I’ve jumped in kiddie pools and playpens … I’ve bandaged up boo-boos… I’ve had a baby sleep in my arms and sneeze in my face, and tomorrow I will attend my first prekindergarten graduation.

I’m always looking for opportunities to teach my current foster son. I’ve told him that I don’t like to hear him say, “I can’t,” but that it’s okay to say, “I don’t know how.” I told him I would always be there to help and teach him. Just the other day he said, “I can’t,” and quickly covered his mouth, and with his eyes open wide and a smile, he corrected himself and said, “I don’t know how.” That made me really happy because I want him to believe he can do anything.

For these reasons, I believe I qualify to celebrate and enjoy this Father’s day.

Being a father is a big responsibility and a blessing. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to be a foster parent. I never know how long we will have the children with us, so I have to make every day count. Being a father has been a learning experience and I don’t always get it right, but as long as I give these kids the love and the support they need, I can’t go wrong.”

His House is blessed to have 46 foster families extending our ministry to abused, abandoned and neglected children throughout Southern Florida. We count on individuals like Nelson to fill the shoes of a father in the lives of these children who desperately need a safe home and the loving care of a family.

If you believe that you have room in your heart and home for a child in need, we need you. Please call His House today at 305.430.0085 ext. 240 for more information.

popdevteamIt’s not easy filling the shoes of a father: Meet Nelson.