We are encouraged by your interest in helping us provide a safe and nurturing environment for the children in our care.
On a daily basis, children arrive with only the clothes they are wearing. Other times, they arrive with dirty vermin-infested clothing stuffed into garbage bags. We strive to make every child feel welcomed and loved by providing a sense of family, a beautiful home, and provide an array of programs and services. We greatly depend on the support of community partners and friends like you to help us restore hope in the lives of abandoned, abused, or neglected children.
Restoring hope in children starts with the small gestures and experiences we are able to create for them. Just as we enjoy receiving new gifts, at His House we want our children to also experience the joy of receiving a new toy, or shoes or clothing.
For most, this would be their first time receiving something new that is specifically for them. It is, for this reason, we do not accept lightly used items for our children.

Special Needs
- Child Welcome Package
- Teen Welcome Package
- New Mom Starter Kit
- Diaper Bag Starter Kit
- Aging Out Starter Kit
- Shower of Love
Additional Needs:
- Pads and tampons
- Strong deodorant
- Edge Control gel
- Black/African-textured hair products and styling tools
- Axe deodorant
- Wet wipes
- Lotion

- Children’s Tylenol
- Children’s Motrin
- Infant Tylenol
- Infant Motrin
- Regular Tylenol
- Regular Motrin
- Hyland’s 4 kids Day & Night cold and cough
- ZarBee’s Children’s Cough Syrup
- Mucinex decongestion
- Dayquil & Nyquil LiquiCaps form
- Benadryl
- Pepto-Bismol
- Cleaning Disinfected Wipes
- Antibacterial hand gel
- Gummy Vitamins

Household Items
- Refrigerators
- Stoves
- Washers and Dryers
- Twin Beds
- Nightstand
- Dressers
- Sofas
- Coffee tables (cannot have glass/mirror)
His House is a place where children find safety and rest in a homelike environment. Therefore, these items must meet certain criteria and fulfill and outstanding need. These are a few examples of some frequently used items we may need.

If you are considering an In-kind gift of the items listed above, would like to make a special gift or know if an item meets our safety criteria, please contact Adrienne at: asimeon@hhch.org