Meet the Hawley family

The Hawley family is a prime example of love in action. Their first child was placed in their home in 2019 and they immediately embraced him with tender love and care. The moment they met him they fell in love with everything about him. Like Jesus’ mother, Mary, they gave their “yes” to opening their home and hearts to this child. Although there have been many challenges along the way, their unconditional love and God’s grace has allowed them to persevere in their journey.

During the last two years, the family has faced many trials, which included interaction with the birth parents and a deterioration in the child’s behavior. The family worked collaboratively with different service providers to help improve the child’s behaviors both at home and at school. They never lost hope. They created safe spaces in their home for the child to safely express himself and modify inappropriate behaviors. They have been selfless in their love as they reconsidered major life decisions to maintain stability and consistency for this child. They continuously put the child’s needs and interests first without hesitation.

They love like Jesus loved, by giving of themselves. It is with great pleasure that we highlight the Hawley family for the month of December.

We need more foster families like the Hawley’s. To learn how you can become a foster parent contact Dudly Decoste,

Adrienne SimeonMeet the Hawley family