Sweets for Trick or Treat

Sweets for Trick or Treat

The leadership team and members of Troop 1938 of the Girl Scouts put together 100 bags with treats for all our kids on campus for Halloween. We are very grateful for all their hard work and keeping our children close to their hearts.

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Appreciating our Volunteers

Appreciating our Volunteers

Our faithful volunteers came together for a very sweet & delicious evening, thanks to the generosity of our Board Chair Alex Romillo, CEO of Health Choice Network, who hosted a Volunteer Appreciation Chocolate Tasting! We’re so grateful for the time our volunteers give and could not do what we do without them.

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Healthy Ice Cream?

Healthy Ice Cream?

Indeed! Thanks to Angie and Dylan of Angie’s Epicurean for bringing their beautiful vintage ice-cream truck which was filled with gourmet, organic, plant-based ingredients, made and delivered with love!

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A Cultural Treat

A Cultural Treat

Crepe Maker came out and did a special presentation about the history of Crepes and cooked to order crepes for all who participated. What a special way to let our kids know they also can have cultural and delicious food as well.

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Technology Support for Kids & Staff during a Pandemic

Technology Support for Kids & Staff during a Pandemic

Adapting to the challenges of COVID-19, our children were able to continue their education at home, learning virtually thanks to a great support team of donors particularly Delivering Better Lines (DBL). DBL provided a major gift to not only help improve the technology infrastructure on campus so all kids could have access to the internet, but also the ability to purchase thermal cameras so staff and kids can remain safe and healthy.

popdevteamTechnology Support for Kids & Staff during a Pandemic
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Power Pizza delivers BIG during the Pandemic

Power Pizza delivers BIG during the Pandemic

EJ Martinez and his team from Power Pizza have provided hundreds of delicious pizza pies for all our children every Wednesday throughout the summer and into the fall of 2020. We are incredibly grateful for your consistent and faithful giving to our children!

popdevteamPower Pizza delivers BIG during the Pandemic
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